Unitouch Studio 1.5.0: Pattern Library & Sample Export

Unitouch Studio is software designed to simplify your haptic design process. Since its creation, our clients have shown great interest in our extensive library of high-definition sensations, which features over 200 elements, intuitive tools, and compatibility with audio devices. These are the key differentiators of our solution, enabling businesses, developers, and individuals to create haptic designs for their experiences. However, we wanted to make your experience even more comfortable and faster (yes, it's possible!). How? The answer lies in some of Unitouch's new features: the Sequence Library, Sample Export, and new workspace tools (Reframing, Index, Weights, Retractable Sensation Library button). Let's dive in!

Sequence Library*

The Sequence Library is a collection of pre-made haptic sequences. These sequences are sets of sensations already adjusted and spatialized to achieve the feeling of a specific event. For example, when selecting the "Heavy Rain" sequence in the "Nature" category, it will open a pre-designed sequence where individual sensations of "Light Rain Flow" are grouped, adjusted, and spatialized to make you feel the raindrops across the upper area of the vest. This provides a more realistic effect when exposed to digital rain in no time.

In the sequence library, you'll find different ways the sequences are organized:

  • Shape-based: Sequences are available only in this workspace.
  • Category: .The categories in which the library is organized. You can expect more categories in future releases too.
  • Workspace: Indicates the workspace type of the sequence.
  • Batch-Tutorial: Indicates the batch it was released in. More sequence batches will be added regularly.

We have implemented a tag system that allows you to better understand which type of sequence you desire to use. 

The goal of this library is to achieve more complex and spatialized sensations quickly, which can be edited and complemented with other sensations from the Sensation Library if desired.

Sequence Library

Sample Export*

This new feature allows you to export your haptic designs created in the software using Unitouch Studio's tools and libraries. You no longer need to log in to your Unitouch account to play your design; you can even use it in other programs!

Workspace tools

To have even more detailed control over your designs, we've integrated new tools into both actuator-based and Shape-based workspaces.

  • Reframing: Have you ever wanted to work with a sensation from the library that is barely visible in the workspace? Now, there's no need to repeatedly click the "Zoom In" button to get a better view. Simply click the "Reframe" button located to the right of the "Zoom Out" button.
  • Retractable Sensation Library: The Sensation Library is a widely used tool during the process, but there are times when our eyes are fully focused on the workspace. For this reason, we've integrated a button to retract the library and open up more space in the workspace when needed

Tools available only for the actuator-based workspace*:

Index: This feature allows you to view the numbering of actuators on the device you're working with, providing a better visualization of your device actuators.

Weights: When working on the spatialization of your design, you can see the percentage by which each actuator is affected by the sensation, giving you a better understanding of the impact of each sensation on each keyframe.

Index and Weights Tools

That’s it for today! Thank you for reading until the end of the good news. We invite you to explore the new features and continue enjoying the haptic design experience with Unitouch Studio!

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